
Four Campaign Pillars
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The U.S. Interfaith Trade Justice Campaign is part of a larger international and ecumenical effort to engage people of faith in working for greater justice in the world trading system. Moral values arising from faith commitments compel people of faith to seek just and equitable economic relationships in all dimensions of life. In an age of economic integration and globalization, this imperative includes how nations relate to each other in their trade and investment policies and practices.

The moral and spiritual principles of our religious traditions can provide practical guidance to address the profound and complicated ethical issues raised by current directions of trade and investment. To this end, the Interfaith Working Group on Trade and Investment invites communities of faith to join the Campaign.


U.S. Interfaith Trade Justice Campaign
1225 Otis St NE
Washington, DC 20017
Phone (202) 635-2757 X134 
[email protected]